Share via Email
To prevent service abuse and spam, The Messaging Company limits the number of recipients per individual email and the number of emails that can be sent per day.
Maximum number of recipients per email: 100
Maximum daily limit: 1,000 emails
These are the maximum limits. For individual cases, the maximums can be restricted further because of: The reputation of the sender, The reputation of the IP address used by the sender, and the result from our spam filters (the more likely it is spam the fewer emails it will allow through).
These are the maximum limits. For individual cases, the maximums can be restricted further because of: The reputation of the sender, The reputation of the IP address used by the sender, and the result from our spam filters (the more likely it is spam the fewer emails it will allow through).
Error messages indicating rate limiting has been applied include:
- An error occurred while sending mail. The mail server responded: too many recipients.
- Delivery has failed=to these recipients or groups: email@null.null A problem occurred during=the delivery of this message. Please try to resend the message later.
If you receive an error when sending an email you believe is legitimate, Firstly retry after a few hours. If you continue to receive errors, please contact our support team.